How Lawyers Can Recover from the Texas Winter Storm

Chart Westcott
2 min readApr 26, 2021

The winter storm earlier this year hit Texas hard. Between snow, ice, freezing temperatures, and dwindling resources, winter storm Uri sent Texans into an understandable panic. Some people are likely still suffering from the aftermath of the winter storm; luckily, there are ways that attorneys can help you out with sticky situations.

Price Gouging

Some utility companies took advantage of the winter storm and partook in price gouging. For those who are unaware, price gouging is when businesses raise the prices of their products or services exponentially. This isn’t to be confused with what businesses are allowed to do; in states of emergency, businesses are allowed to raise the prices of critical items to a certain degree. When it’s clear that they’re taking advantage of the crisis, though, this becomes price gouging. If you believe you were a victim of this during the Texas winter storm, it’s worth talking to an attorney about it to see if anything can be done.

Replacing Important Legal Documents

Unfortunately, some Texans lost their copies of important legal documents as a result of winter storm Uri. If this has happened to you, you can get in contact with an attorney to get a replacement copy for your records. You can also find more detailed information about how to go about doing this by visiting this website.

Government Benefits

If your insurance didn’t cover storm damage, you could be eligible for government benefits through FEMA, depending on where you live. While applying for disaster assistance, you must also file a claim with your insurance company as soon as you can. Legally, FEMA can’t duplicate benefits for losses that are covered by insurance. An attorney can help you through this process and figure out what, exactly, you’re eligible for. Make sure to take photos of the damage if you haven’t already, and keep all receipts from purchases related to clean up and repair.

Real Estate Law

If you were in the middle of buying or selling your home when the winter storm hit, it’s possible that storm damage could’ve complicated the process and prevented you from buying or selling. To help get yourself through these complications, contact an attorney who’s well-versed in real estate law to help with the process and smooth things over.

Final Thoughts

Though this was written with winter storm Uri in mind, you can reach out to an attorney to assist with all of this and more after nearly any natural disaster. Attorneys are there to help you through tough times; they know how to handle the aftermath of natural disasters and get you back on your feet. If you’re ever in doubt, contact an attorney and see what they can do for you.



Chart Westcott

Chart Westcott is Co-Founder and COO at Ikarian Capital, LLC a long/short equity biotech focused investment adviser. Read more at